Picture of ancient ornate Thai rooftops
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Wellness Massage

This therapy benefits the body due to the increased circulation, muscular manipulation, and lymphatic stimulation it provides. On a regular basis your meditative state deepens, enhancing relaxation of mind, body and spirit, and stress levels steadily decrease. This is a nourishing therapy, which is gently supportive, yet powerfully increases your feeling of well being, often to a surprising degree.


Body Scrub

Body scrub is a way to gently exfoliate, leaving your skin with a natural glow. This cleanses your skin, making way for fresh new cells, and leaves you looking and feeling fabulous. This therapy also encourages the natural flow of circulation and bodily fluids within your skin. At the start of the treatment a scrub suited to your particular needs will be chosen, and massage can be incorporated. Some claim that body scrub is beneficial to reduce cellulite and signs of ageing, but whatever the case may be, this therapy is certainly relaxing.

Hot Stone massage

Facial Massage

Facial massage uses only pure massage oils made especially for the face. It is gently invigorating for the skin, which tends to revitalise the facial skin. This therapy provides relief for stress, sinus congestion, and migraine headaches. Having a facial massage on a regular basis can lead to firmer, more radiant skin by minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, moisturizing, and releasing tension.

Photos: Markus Wiegmann     www.mwi-web.de

Uan's Massage Therapy

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy uses essential oils for specific benefits to relax and soothe, and has many therapeutic benefits. I always make a unique blend to suit the needs of the individual, based on the traditional Thai 4-element model.

Body scrub materials

Hot Stone Therapy

Warm stones are placed on the body to promote relaxation and open up the energy flow. This may be a precursor to deep massage, perhaps with oil, and warm stones may be alternated with cool stones. Hot stone therapy has many benefits, and is used to soothe muscular aches and pains, stress, anxiety, and reduce insomnia.

Facial Massage


Nuad Thai-Massage - 50321 Brühl
Festnetz: 02232 34629 - Handy: 0151 51048799
Email: bowornlak.bentler@yahoo.de